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Felix Mendelssohn
× 2
Vangelis × 1
Aphex Twin × 1
The Crusaders × 1
Lynyrd Skynyrd × 2
Hillsong United × 1
Gustav Holst × 1
Isham Jones × 1
Herbie Hancock × 1
Yanni × 1
Jazz Holiday Classic × 1
Horowitz Mussorgsky × 1
Foo Fighters × 1
Queen × 4
Dave Welpe × 1
Steve Nelson × 1
Louis Armstrong × 3
Armando Manzanero × 1
Fergie × 1
Ariney Oliveira × 1
Josephine Cheong × 1
Brian May × 1
Dexter3 × 1
Asaph Borba × 1
Offenbach × 1
Vincenzo Albrici × 1
Bellini × 1
George F. Root × 1
Albert W Ketelbey × 1
Edward MacDowell × 1
Johann Gottfried Piefke × 1
Don McLean × 2
Ryuichi Sakamoto × 1
Ryan Kisor × 1
Jewel × 1
Chick Corea × 1
Lin -Manuel Miranda × 1
Li Yilang × 1
Peter Cincotti × 1
Fall Out Boy × 1
Francis Lai × 1
Vladimir Sterzer × 1
Michael Kooman × 1
François Desjardins × 1
Thomas Morley × 1
Duffy × 1
Henrique Oswald × 1
Claude Bolling × 1
Peter Cetera × 1
Green Day × 1
Vangelis × 1
Aphex Twin × 1
The Crusaders × 1
Lynyrd Skynyrd × 2
Hillsong United × 1
Gustav Holst × 1
Isham Jones × 1
Herbie Hancock × 1
Yanni × 1
Jazz Holiday Classic × 1
Horowitz Mussorgsky × 1
Foo Fighters × 1
Queen × 4
Dave Welpe × 1
Steve Nelson × 1
Louis Armstrong × 3
Armando Manzanero × 1
Fergie × 1
Ariney Oliveira × 1
Josephine Cheong × 1
Brian May × 1
Dexter3 × 1
Asaph Borba × 1
Offenbach × 1
Vincenzo Albrici × 1
Bellini × 1
George F. Root × 1
Albert W Ketelbey × 1
Edward MacDowell × 1
Johann Gottfried Piefke × 1
Don McLean × 2
Ryuichi Sakamoto × 1
Ryan Kisor × 1
Jewel × 1
Chick Corea × 1
Lin -Manuel Miranda × 1
Li Yilang × 1
Peter Cincotti × 1
Fall Out Boy × 1
Francis Lai × 1
Vladimir Sterzer × 1
Michael Kooman × 1
François Desjardins × 1
Thomas Morley × 1
Duffy × 1
Henrique Oswald × 1
Claude Bolling × 1
Peter Cetera × 1
Green Day × 1