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Wolfgang Plagge Sheet Music

Wolfgang Plagge Wolfgang Plagge (born 23 August 1960 in Oslo, Norway by Dutch parents) is a Norwegian composer and pianist.
Plagge started playing the piano as four years old, and made a sensational recital debut in the University Hall in Oslo, only twelve years old. He also started composing at an early age, had his first work published aged twelve, and is particularly renowned for his works for wind instruments. Despite a rheumatic disorder Plagge often occurs as pianist and has played with several leading orchestras. He has received several awards for his musical work. He has been performing as a soloist with a large number of orchestras in and outside of Norway, and has worked with internationally renowned artists like Ole Edvard Antonsen, Jens Harald Bratlie, Aleksandr Dmitriyev, Philippe Entremont, Lutz Herbig, Piotr Janowski, Evgeni Koroliov, Solveig Kringlebotn, Truls Mørk, Robert Oppenheimer, Robert Rønnes, Leif Segerstam, Randi Stene, Roberto Szidon, Lars Anders Tomter and Frøydis Ree Wekre.

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