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Carlos Hernani Macchi Sheet Music

Carlos Hernani Macchi arlos Hernani Macchi Real name: Macchi, Carlos Hernani Violinist, flutist and composer(1878 - 13 July 1929) Place of birth:
Argentina do not have precise information about his place of birth and the date he was born but some of the researchers we have consulted state that he was born in Buenos Aires in 1878. His first instrument was the violin. His elder brother taught him the first lessons. By the end of the ninetieth century and beginning of the twentieth they together organized, also with the flutist Luis Teisseire, -the composer of “Entrada prohibida”- and some occasional guitarist -according to Héctor Ernié, one may have been Eusebio Aspiazú (Cieguito)- an orchestra that played at balls at backyards and cheap cafes near the Mercado de Abasto. Some authors also mention the violinist Julián Urdapilleta as sideman.

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